Reinforce the point! Heleskie pokes 1 in 3 divine children who want to fall in Liverpool

Former Spearman Emil Heske stated that if he had to choose between Jeddon Sancho, Kylian Mbappe or Erling Burt Haland that he would like anyone to put on Liverpool, then he would choose San. The reason is because Sancho is England and the "Reds" are looking for more wings than the striker of the target.

Emil Heskiy, former Liverpool striker of the English Premier League club, said that if he was "Reds" and had to choose between Jedan Sancho, Kylian Mbappe or Erling Burt Haland then he would have chosen Sancho to join the army.

Sancho, Mbappe and Haland are both rising stars. And is highly praised in the modern times All of which have been rumored about the team's move, with Liverpool becoming the news that it may need to reinforce the offensive line as well, as Senegalese wing Senegalese have continued with Real Madrid Due to

The former England player said: "In these 3 groups I would have chosen Sancho. In fact, Mbappe is a great player and the one who is doing better. And will definitely be a better player His focus on trying to be consistent, even at this age, is excellent. 

In truth, it was a difficult choice. Because in the case of Liverpool, they have to choose a player who is better at playing on the edge of the line than the striker But once again, at Halland's goal, it would be an important decision. However, I would have chosen the Patriot and said that Sancho would be a great addition to the army. Because he is both English And is an amazing player I would say that people like that will be a good addition to the wings. And will cause the support of the competitors to be frightened. 




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